Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Golf in Germany

We are happy to invite you to witness the rich variety of cultural heritage, natural scenery that mesmerize, enchant the archaeological heritage, colorful festival tradition, the beaches are beautiful, natural diversity of the sea, golf course and facilities are beautiful and also not forget a variety of traditional crafts and enjoy the unique taste food menu, Golfreisen through our expert knowledge.

We offer travel for both individuals, groups, and companies with a travel schedule that can be tailored to the needs of you personally. Our planners will work effectively in accordance with the budget you plan to travel a satisfactory and profitable with the best service as our standard of quality.
You can specify your own with 7 nights accommodation, meals or use the menu to select the buffet. Whether they play golf for beginners or professionals who have, of course with a luxury hotel, a masseur when you are tired, our own evidence will serve you.
We also have a golfkurse or golf academy with the division of classes weekly to your clever.
Perform the test properly test write or practice tests, with luxurious facilities appropriate regulations. Here the right place for the golf course.
We are a golf equipment golfshop in Germany, our stores are full with all the brands, our stores serve a purchase online, so you do not need to come to the store. We will serve you as best as possible.


Kebyar Gombloh

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan musisi yang satu ini, ya benar dia adalah gombloh, musisi sekaligus penyanyi...

yang punya karakter khusus pada liriknya, yaitu tentang kritik sosial, perjuangan dan alam. Lagu yang abadi dan selalu dicari yaiti Kebyar-Kebyar, apalagi saat hari istimewa seperti saat bangsa kita memperingati HUT RI pada tanggal 17 Agustus


Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Laundry Bag

When we asked about the child, of course we will teach you the joy with many exciting experiences that have been experienced. Everything is so beautiful and brisk. Why? Because childhood is a period play. Or even almost all the activities the children are playing.

After the play of course children need to rest, the rest is free in the air and under trees, because that is not sunshine in the afternoon and many trees produce oxygen.
But remember that children also need their nap mat for rest, eat and drink at once. So if you need a tool to visit us soon.
You wash a lot, especially if the wash once a week, then you need a laundry bag, special bag to carry the number of how much you wash. Moreover, if the fabric you have is a hard material, such as jeans, automatically require a nice bag and brought a lot of its content.
When you rest is when the most beautiful, automatically after a bath, the bath soap is a good addition to the influence of towels used. Also need a towel treatment, which is given with the protective towel wrap.
We have many options for you to indulge your skin softness.

Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Fenomena Mbah Surip

Lagu Tak Gendong yang dilantunkan Mbah Surip mampu mengantarnya menuju gerbang sukses. NSP (nada sambung pribadi) lagu tersebut meraup Rp9 miliar. Pria bergaya Bob Marley itu pun mendapat royalti Rp4,5 miliar.
Mbah Surip yang diwawancara RCTI, Jumat (10/7/2009), mengaku akan menyumbangkan sebagian uang tersebut.
"Sebagian uang itu disimpan dan sebagian untuk yatim piatu. Sedekah ke mana-mana," kata pemilik nama Urip Ariyanto ini sambil tertawa.

Sekilas tak ada yang istimewa dari lagu Tak Gendong. Liriknya pun sederhana, Tak gendong ke mana-mana, tak gendong ke mana-mana. Enak toh. Lantas dapat ide dari mana Mbah Surip dalam menciptakan lagu tersebut?
"Ide awalnya ketika Mbah kerja di pengeboran minyak di Amerika. Kalau liburan saya senang main di bawah jembatan California. Saya lihat kok kerja sama orang-orang di sini dan Indonesia hampir sama. Ada yang gotong royong," cerita penyanyi yang mengawali karier sebagai seniman jalanan ini.
Tampaknya tahun 2009 ini menjadi tahun keberuntungan atau boleh dibilang spesial bagi Mbah Surip. Bagaimana tidak…lagu tak gendong yang dibawakan Mbah Surip mampu menyedot perhatian public Indonesia saat ini. Lewat lagu tersebut kini Mbah Surip boleh dibilang sukses dari segi finansial. Bayangkan saja, NSP dari lagu itu saja telah meraup Rp.9 Miliar. Dan dikabarkan mbah Surip mendapat royalti sebesar 4,5M. Wow….sungguh pencapaian yang fantastis. Padahal, lagu yang diciptakan di akhir tahun 1980 itu pernah ditolak hampir seluruh produser kaset di Indonesia. Mbah Surip memang memberikan fenomena tersendiri dengan gaya penyanyi reggae yang khas dengan rambut gimbal. Dengan single-nya Tak gendong, Mbah surip berhasil mematahkan dominasi publik tentang glamornya dunia entertainment saat ini.
Mbah Surip memang bukan pendatang baru di dunia musik yang mendadak ngetop begitu saja. Dia sebenarnya sudah cukup lama malang-melintang di dunia musik. Hanya saja gaya nyeleneh dan sederhana saat itu dianggap oleh industri musik kurang mempunyai nilai jual yang baik. Mulai dari awal era-90an mbah surip memang sudah menyanyi. Sungguh perjalanan yang panjang sampai saat ini dan akhirnya Mbah Surip memetik buah perjuangannya sejak dulu. Tak Ada Yang Tak Mungkin….mungkin ungkapan itu bisa jg menggambarkan nasib Mbah Surip saat ini. Siapa sangka seorang Mbah Surip yang kesehariannya penuh dengan kesederhanaan dan gaya yang unik atau lebih mirip wong edan (bahasa kasarnya) namun menyimpan potensi serta kharisma yang luar biasa sehingga dapat merebut perhatian publik akhir2 ini. Berawal dari seniman jalanan kini Mbah Surip Jadi penyanyi terkenal. Meskipun kini dia telah sukses namun gaya hidupnya tetap sederhana.


Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

Eddy Van Halen Mencoret Anggotanya ?

Menanggapi tuduhan bahwa ialah yang bertanggung jawab atas keluarnya personil-personil awal Van Halen, Eddie, sang gitaris mengaku sama sekali tak pernah memberhentikan mereka. Menurut Eddie, Michael Anthony, Sammy Hagar dan David Lee Roth yang mengundurkan diri dari band.

"Lucunya, semua orang yang keluar dari Van Halen mengaku dipecat oleh saya. Jangan jadikan saya kambing hitam. Saat Hagar meninggalkan Van Halen, Mike (Michael Anthony) ikut keluar juga. Lalu kami kembali gabung dengan Dave dan tiba-tiba saja dia mau kembali bergabung," papar Eddie ketika mendengar bahwa Michael Anthony mengatakan bahwa Eddie tak mengundangnya bergabung ketika akan bermain bersama David Lee Roth.
Karena tak menemukan pengganti Anthony Eddie lantas mengganti posisi bassist dengan Wolfgang, putra Eddie, yang baru berusia belasan. Menurut ContactMusic, saat ini Michael Anthony sedang terlibat kerja sama dengan Sammy Hagar dan membentuk band baru yang mereka beri nama Chickenfoot.
yang jelas kami masih menunggu album-album mereka dan masih memakai bendera van Halen.


Jumat, 29 Mei 2009


Many company officials to play golf to get in contact with famous and powerful individuals in government or ministries. Usually they over the age of 35 years with an economy that is very well established.
Golf is an arena negotiations that situation, feeling, and a different scene for the conference.
They will talk about issues and problems of the company. For them, ideas and the resolution is not stopped at the table meeting that the company merely boring. Perhaps the green and peaceful atmosphere that can provide a more brilliant idea.

Golf is a sport and a game which is very interesting, unique, fun and also menggemaskan, people never take pride in the scores obtained by each of the finished play. Golf game is affected by the stamina, skill, strategy and stick, as is also the effect is big enough factor parcaya self, emotions and concentration. Clear that golf can be used as a medium for communication bertemunya the bisnisman, but can also remove the feeling of relaxation to saturate in the office or company.
But that is not less important is the golf equipment itself, people may not like Tiger Woods using a stick of old, so for the only golfer to hobbi, must also be a good tool to use. The question in the shop where we can buy a good golf equipment? answered in golfshop.
If you can not play golf and want to learn, then you should be able to choose the course that well, so you will not be losers, whether you choose to live in individual or group. Golfreisen is a popular choice for those of you who want a course.
For the more you travel and play golf while Platzreife place is, we do not know season, we will find a beautiful place to play golf.
So if you want golf equipment shop, learn golf, or play golf on the go, is a place here, we wait your coming, thank you.


Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

George Thorogood

Thorogood's demo Better Than the Rest was recorded in 1974 and released in 1979. In 1976 he recorded his debut album: the eponymous George Thorogood & The Destroyers with his band, The Destroyers (sometimes known as The Delaware Destroyers or simply GT and D) and issued the album in 1977. Thorogood released his next album titled Move It On Over in 1978 with The Destroyers, which included the Hank Williams remake of "Move It On Over". "Please Set a Date" and their remake of the Bo Diddley song "Who Do You Love?" both followed in 1979 (many of Thorogood's songs were remakes of other hit songs). Before devoting himself exclusively to music, Thorogood played semi-pro baseball.[1]In the late 1970s, Thorogood played on a team in Delaware in the Roberto Clemente League which was created in 1976. He was the second baseman and was chosen rookie of the year in the league. Soon after this achievement, The Destroyers forced him to quit playing the sport. In the 1970s, George and the band were based in Boston.
George and the Delaware Destroyers were friends with Jimmy Thackery and the Nighthawks. While touring in the 1970s, the Destroyers and the Nighthawks happened to be playing shows in Georgetown (DC) at venues across the street from each other. The Destroyers were engaged at The Cellar Door, the Nighthawks at Desperados. At midnight, by prior arrangement, while both bands played the same song ("Madison Blues") in the same key (E), George and Jimmy left their clubs, met in the middle of M street, exchanged guitar cables and went on to play with the opposing band.George Thorogood at Fallsview Casino, Niagara Falls, Ontario
George and the Destroyers are also notable for undertaking a rigorous touring schedule[2] after appearing throughout the Rolling Stones tour in 1981. After two shows in Boulder, Colorado, George and his band flew to Hawaii and played for only one night. The next night they appeared in Alaska for one show. The following day the band flew to Washington State, met their roadies who had their Checker car and a truck, and continued a one show per state tour for all fifty states in exactly fifty nights. In addition, they played Washington, DC on the same day that they performed a show in Maryland.
During the 1980s and 1990s, Thorogood recorded some of his most well known works. "Bad to the Bone" was used frequently in television and the big screen. Several appearances include Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the comedy Problem Child, Stephen King'sChristine, and during many episodes of the television sitcom Married with Children. This track also was used during the intro to the movie "Major Payne". The same song is also featured in the game Rock 'n Roll Racing. It is also played during football pregame festivities at Mississippi State University. Quincy Jones once said to Thorogood, "The three things important in a record is the tune, tune, and the tune".


Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin was one of the giants of the 1970’s in hard rock.
They were also one of the greatest success stories that ever played
hard rock music. The group was one the more popular hard rock groups
that performed in the seventies, and even had some hits in the 1960’s.
The members of the group are Jimmy Page, born on April 9, 1944,
Robert Plant, born on August 24, 1948, John Paul Jones, born on
January 3, 1946, and John Bonham born on May 31, 1948. Jimmy Page
played guitar, Robert Plant was the vocalist, John Paul Jones played
bass guitar and the keyboard, and John Bonham beat the drums. The
group had the complete set up for a band right off the start. They
produced their first record in thirty hours to complete their deal
with the old Yardbirds. They toured Scandinavia for awhile also to
complete their obligations to the Yardbirds.

When they first came to the United States they supported Vanilla Fudge. They also played in clubs to start their American popularity.
After they played in the clubs they got their first headlining tour and toured again that. They were playing their fifth tour by the March
of 1970. Led Zeppelin the record was released by the Atlantic Records in 1969. Shortly after the record was released it was number eight and stayed in the top twenty for six weeks. When the Led Zeppelin II was
released, it was Atlantic Records’ fastest selling album at 100,000 copies a week.

They broke their own record in 1975 when “Physical
Graffiti” that sold 500 copies an hour. All of their albums have gone
They were the first group to heavily tour the United States and
sporadically tour the rest of the world. This occurred because there
was a lack of interest in them Britain. Their success was due to their
manager Peter Grant. Peter was able to keep the group moving from
place to place and kept the people interested in them. Peter thought
that they would work every other year so they would stay in demand.
While they were working on their first movie featuring them. This
movie was of the group playing their music, which was called, “The
Song Remains Playing.”
A representative from their record company called and told Page
that the sales of their new album Houses of the Holy was spectacular.
The record company told Page that the group, Led Zeppelin, was the
biggest selling group in the world and was making the most money at
the time. After Page and Plant heard this they were having a moment of
triumph because their band was making it big. During this time of
popularity that the band was going through, there was a feature on
them in the L.A. Times. They were making music for the adolescence age
group and they were being looked up at as role models.
Led Zeppelin’s manager Peter Grant was an amazing and brilliant
person. Their road manager was also a great person for the band to
have because he promoted them as much as possible. By the summer of
1975, Led Zeppelin was the most popular band in the world. They were
filling football stadiums across the United States. They also filled
the Earl’s Court, which held 20,000 people for five days in London.
It was awesome an show that had an amazing light show, smoke, dry ice,
and laser beams. The concerts were focused on Jimmy Page and Robert
Plant because they were the main guys in the group. On stage they were
opposites and compliments: Plant a golden-ringleted Adonis marvelously
parodying the sexual superstar while singing in a voice of limitless
Page was a dark, fragile guitarist of immense versatility and command
clothed in black velvet and rippling dragons.
The Presence(1976) and In Though the Out Door(1979) proved to be
the last Led Zeppelin albums that were produced. John Bonham was found
dead at the home of Jimmy Page on the 25 of September in 1980.
(www. After this tragic loss the
band announced that they could not play any longer. The album entitled
Coda was an unreleased set of recordings and out takes which was
released in 1982. In the same year, Robert Plant released his own
album, which was called, “Pictures at Eleven.”
Even in to the 1990’s the music that was produced in the early
days of Led Zeppelin is still being played and loved. The music that
they play is very persuasive and as popular as before. Even though
they broke up ten years ago you would not know they broke because of
the way that they are played on the radio. Zeppelin was played for
their fans and followers. For generations of kids, all they needed
were headphones and a decent copy of Led Zeppelin II to keep them
Led Zeppelin had their down times but they also had their good
times. People have loved Led Zeppelin for years even today’s kids seem
to have picked up the ear for listening to the band. Twenty-two years
after their formation, the myth still surrounds the group Led
Zeppelin. Few people other then Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, and John
Paul Jones remember what a truly difficult road Led Zeppelin traveled
in their time. Led Zeppelin in my mind is one of the best bands to
ever happen to the world.


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